
device.blind device.codepad device.dimmer device.roofwindow device.rtr device.rtrslider device.shutter device.smallshut device.uzsugraph device.uzsuicon device.uzsutable device.window


Graphical widget for usage of UZSU plugin. Drag points, add new ones by clicking on background and edit or delete them.

{{ device.uzsugraph(id, item, headline, editable, valueType, valueParameterList, scrollbar) }}
unique id for this widget (optional)
the item of the UZSU (NOT the item which is switched by UZSU)
title of graph (optional, default: UZSU)
set to '1' in order to allow changes by dragging points (optional, default: 0)
supported types are 'bool' and 'num' (optional, default: bool)
valueParameterList depending on valueType (optional):
bool: ['text on','text off'] or ['text1:value1','text2:value2'],
num: [min, max, step]
shows a scrollbar below the x-Axis (optional, default: true)
The widget displays the UZSU entries as a graph and allows modifications:
  • a click onto an existing point opens it's settings dialog
  • a click into the graph opens a dialog to add a new entry for the selected time and value
  • single entries can be altered by dragging the respective points on the graph
  • for sunrise/sunset based entries, the min/max times can be altered by dragging the horizontal dashed lines
  • by dragging the sun symbols,interpolation will be simulated with the selected sun times. Settings remain unchanged.
  • the interpolation method can be chosen by clicking on the symbols in the upper right area

Combine the widget with device.uzsuicon in order to access all entries for an item.
{{ device.uzsuicon('', 'uzsuitem', '', 'jquery_clock', 'jquery_clock', 'num') }}
{{ device.uzsugraph('', 'uzsuitem', '', 1, 'num', [0,100,10]) }}
{{ device.uzsugraph('', 'uzsuitem2', 'Boolean', 1, 'bool', ['On:1', 'Off:0'], 'false') }}

Author: Stefan Widmer