the minimum value if the slider is moved to total left (optional, default 0)
the maximum value if the slider is moved to total right (optional, default 255)
step between two values (optional, default 5)
possible options: 'horizontal', 'vertical', 'bottomup', 'semicircle' (optional, default 'horizontal')
how should the value be shown; possible options: 'input', 'handle', 'both', 'none' (optional, default 'input')
the minimum value to display if the slider is moved to total left if this should differ from sent/received value (optional, default like min)
the maximum value to display to total right if this should differ from sent/received value (optional, default like max)
'live mode': if enabled, values will be sent during sliding. '0' sends values only when sliding is stopped, after click into track or if value is edited in input field. (optional, default = 1)
set a colour for the slider track like: linear-gradient(90deg, rgb(229, 234, 255), rgb(255, 177, 111)) (optional)
See the various scaling options in the following examples.
Silent mode
Per default, sliders send their values constantly during operation. There is also a silent mode
which limits value output to the end of the sliding phase. See the difference by moving different sliders.
The bottom slider is switched to silent mode while the others send their values live.