
basic.checkbox basic.color basic.flip basic.glue basic.icon basic.input basic.listview basic.offset basic.print basic.roundslider basic.shutter basic.skylight basic.slider basic.stateswitch basic.symbol basic.tank basic.trigger basic.window


Displays an input field

{{ basic.input(id, item, type, min, max, step, format) }}
unique id for this widget (optional)
an item, sent values are:
- date, dateflip, datecal, dateslide, datetime, datetimeflip: Date object resp. ISO 8601 - e.g. '2017-11-29T23:00:00.000Z' in UTC time (if no string format specified)
- time & timeflip: String with 24hr clock - e.g. '18:31:27' - format for time is taken from language file
- duration & durationflip: Number of seconds
- any other: Entered value
'text', 'number', 'date', 'dateflip', 'datecal', 'dateslide', 'datetime', 'datetimeflip', 'time', 'timeflip', 'duration', 'durationflip' (optional, default: text)
lowest allowed value (optional)
- date, dateflip, datetime & datetimeflip: Number of days before today
- time & timeflip: Format is 24hr clock - e.g. '18:31:27'
- duration & durationflip: in seconds
highest allowed value (optional)
- date, dateflip, datetime & datetimeflip: Number of days after today
- time, timeflip: Format is 24hr clock - e.g. '18:31:27'
- duration & durationflip: in seconds
step between two values (optional, no effect on date/time types)
string format for date and datetime only (optional)
- empty: default format for date will be standard date object (see above)
- with given format option, the date will be converted to a string, e.g. '%d.%m.%Y' represents DD.MM.YYYY.
For options see
- to globally change time format for timeboxes, use the override method of JTSage in your visu.js:
jQuery.extend(jQuery.jtsage.datebox.prototype.options, {overrideTimeOutput: "%H:%M", overrideTimeFieldOrder: ["h","i"] })
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.text') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.text', 'number') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.text', 'textarea') }}
{{ basic.input('', '', 'date') }}
{{ basic.input('', '', 'dateflip') }}
{{ basic.input('', '', 'datecal') }}
{{ basic.input('', '', 'dateslide') }}

{{ basic.input('', 'bath.time', 'time') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.time', 'timeflip') }}

{{ basic.input('', 'bath.duration', 'duration') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.duration', 'durationflip') }}

{{ basic.input('', 'bath.datetime', 'datetime') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.datetime', 'datetimeflip') }}
You entered: ---
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.date2', 'date', '', '', '', '%Y-%m-%d') }}
{{ basic.input('', 'bath.datetime2', 'datetime', '', '', '', '%d.%m.%Y / %k:%M:%S') }}
Datetime formatted
You entered: ---

Be aware that the input field shows the standard format defined by the language settings while the item contains the value formatted with the specified format.
Datetime formatted
You entered: ---

Be aware that the datetime input field is not switched to the language settings by the JTSage datebox plugin. It shows "yyyy-mm-ddThh:mm:ss" by default. If a format string is specified smartVISU switches the item and the input field to the specified format.

Author: Stefan Widmer
Inspired by Michael Würtenberger, date/time control uses JTSageDateBox