scrolls plots in the time-range by cancelling actual series and subscribing series with changed start/end
{{ plot.timeshift(id, plot, step, type, label) }}
The widget scrolls a plot in the time-range by cancelling the actual series and subscribing series for the same item(s) with changed start and end time. The "step" parameter defines the time-shift applied for every click on the widgets buttons.
Use the duration format for "step". The plot to be scrolled must have an ID which must be named in the "plot" parameter.
The widget is available for all backends where the startseries / stopseries methods can be called with a single plot widget as parameter. Actually, these are smarthomeNG and offline drivers.
{{ plot.period('plot1', 'bath_plot_value', 'avg', '3h') }}
{{ plot.timeshift('', 'plot1', '3h','', ' - 3h + ') }}
<div class="block"> <div class="set-1" data-role="collapsible-set" data-theme="c" data-content-theme="a" data-mini="true">
<div data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="false">
<h3>widget in the headline {{ plot.timeshift('', 'plot2', '1h', 'head', '1h') }}</h3>
{{ plot.period('plot2', ['bath_plot1', 'bath_plot2', 'bath_plot3'], 'avg', '1h', 'now', 0, 100, '', '', ['#aa0', '#a00', '#00a'], ['area', 'column', 'line']) }}