
weather.current weather.forecast weather.forecastweek weather.mapslides

The weather widgets get their information from an online weather service. Each service works a little bit different - especially the 'location' format.
The location format must be geograpchic coordinates, e.g. 'lat=50.93331&lon=6.95'.

The location format can be 'Köln, DE', postal code 'zip=50667,DE', Openweathermap location ID 'id=2886242' or the geographic coordinates 'lat=50.93331&lon=6.95'. You need to register with openweathermap to get a free API key. is a replacement for Wunderground. You need a weather station ID in your area which you can find on the website. Fill it into the location field. The public key is '6532d6454b8aa370768e63d6ba5a832e'. Additionally, you need your postal code, e.g. '97070:DE'
Pirateweather is a replacement for darsky using the same API. You need to register with the service to get an API key. only supports geo coordinates in the format {latitude},{longitude} (e.g. 47.3537,8.0317) and no city names.

More hints can be found in *.md files named according to the services in ./lib/weather/service.
Choose your service and enter your location and key on the configuration page.