
status.activelist status.badge status.collapse status.customstyle status.log status.message status.notify status.toast


Show and hide a div or popup or collapse a section by a trigger item.

{{ status.collapse(id, item_trigger, value, action) }}
unique id for this widget. Use this id in a div in the data-bind attribute to bind it to that widget (mandatory)
an item which triggers the collapse
the values on which the target will be collapsed (optional, default 0)
inverts the widget's behaviour, i.e. 'show' opens a popup instead of closing it if the trigger value is matched (optional, default = hide)
You may use this widget to hide or collapse some html or show / open it. To bind a div to the widget, use the "data-bind" attribute in the div - tag. In this example the div is bound to the status.collapse and will be controled by it. The additional class="hide" will hide the div at startup.
{{ status.collapse('w1', '', '0', 'hide') }}
<div class="hide" data-bind="w1">
Use it with simple html, to show and hide a div:

Every simple html-code could be collapsed ... with text and icons sample icon ...
Or use it to show and hide a popup:
<div id="status-popup" class="alert" data-bind="w2" data-role="popup" data-overlay-theme="a">
.... code for the popup

{{ status.collapse('w2', 'bath.alert.warning') }}


... or a popup ...

Or use it to show and hide collapsible sections:
{{ status.collapse('w3', 'bath.alert.error') }}

<div class="block">
<div class="set-1" data-role="collapsible-set" data-theme="c" data-content-theme="a" data-mini="true">
<div data-bind="w3" data-role="collapsible" data-collapsed="false">





A list of values can be used to make collapsing more flexible
Select a value to show the effects.
0 0 1 1 2 2 3 3 4 4

{{ status.collapse('w4', 'bath.multistate', [1, 2, 4]) }}
{{ status.collapse('w5', 'bath.multistate', [0, 3]) }}

<div class="hide" data-bind="w4">
{{ basic.symbol('', 'bath.multistate', '', ['secur_locked', 'audio_sound'], [0, 3]) }}
This section is collapsed if values match 1, 2 or 4
<div class="hide" data-bind="w5">
Now you've been choosing 1, 2 or 4.
{{ basic.symbol('', 'bath.multistate', '', ['audio_play', 'audio_pause', 'audio_stop'], [1, 2, 4]) }}
This section is collapsed if values match 1, 2 or 4
Now you've been choosing 1, 2 or 4.