Device shutter
{{ quad.shutter(id, linetext, item_move, item_stop, item_pos, item_shift, item_angle, item_saved, min, max, step, mode, background, value_pos_1, value_pos_2, move_on_longpress, live, item_uzsu, uzsu_attribs, item_plot, icon_plot, item_auto, extpopup, linetext_widget, indicator, column_order) }}
unique id for this widget
text for the whole line
an item for the up and down movement (optional, value_top/value_bottom will be sent to item_pos if omitted). Long press results in moving, short press in stopping - if not defined otherwise with the parameter "move_on_longpress"
an item for stopping the movement (optional)
an item for the absolute position of the blinds
an item for increase and decrease of the blade (optional, for future use)
an item for the absolute angle of the blade (optional)
an item for some saved positions (optional)
the value for opened (optional, default 0)
the value for closed (optional, default 255)
step between two values (optional, default 5)
'half' blade turns from -1 to +1, 'full' blade turns from 0 to +1 (optional, default 'half')
a background image url (relative to smartVISU directory or absolute); optimal size is 100px x 180px (optional)
the value to send for position 1 (optional, default 0)
the value to send for position 2 (optional, default 1)
Move on long press and stop on short press on up/down buttons
'live mode': if enabled, values will be sent during sliding. '0' sends values only when sliding is stopped, after click into track or if value is edited in input field. (optional, default = 1)
a gad/item for UZSU
Array with standard UZSU parameters: pic_on, pic_off, valueType, valueParameterList, color_on, color_off. (optional)
array with all plot.period attributes to show a plot in popup. Alternatively just the item to be plotted.
icon triggering the plot popup
"root item" which holds stateengine information. show current state of stateengine/stateengine item. Adjust icons and states below accordingly
Array of arrays for extended popup window. Use this to create an icon to open a popup with switches, sliders, flips or select menues.
First entry can either be "stateengine" to make the stateengine plugin icon the trigger for the popup or an icon (e.g. time_automatic).
After that you have to create an array for each line of the popup. In this array you first define the elements like switch, text, etc.,
followed by the attributes for each element as you would for the basic widget.
Possible elements are: header, text, slider, flip, switch, select
Example: ['stateengine', ['header', 'Suspendzeit'], [['switch', 'slider'], [switch_item, 'icon', [0,1], ['secur_open','secur_locked']],
[slider_item, slider_min, slider_max, slider_step, '', 'handle']]
Widget(s) to be shown right after linetext. Can be used to show a countdown or other additional information. Example: basic.symbol('', 'licht.og.essen.sa') - don't put basic.symbol() in high commas! (optional)
activity indicator which is active until response (or a timeout is reached); pass either a color, icon class, 'blink' or 'simulate'. Timeout is 3s by default and can be set globally using the configuration key "indicator_duration". Add a colon and integer number to specify an individual timeout, e.g. 'blink:15' (optional)
You can also set an indicator icon, text and color by passing these as additional parameters in the icon, text and color arrays. Just provide one icon more than you have values to switch. A dynamic icon can be used also along with the 'simulate' option.
The indicator options will not be applied to the select element of type 'menu' which will convert all options to 'blink'.
array with element description: Reorder elements to your liking (esp. relevant for smartphones as several columns might be too much)
possible elements are: 'move_down', 'move_up', 'stop', 'pos_slider', 'pos_shutter', 'pos_shutter_ext' (with the two saved positions), 'pos_popup_shutter', 'pos_popup_blind', 'pos1', 'pos2', 'stateengine', 'uzsu', 'plot', 'extpopup'
For empty columns either use ' ' or a number to define the column width (e.g. '40' = 40 pixels width)
Combine elements in one column by putting them in arrays. Standard is [['move_down', 'move_up'], 'pos_popup_shutter', 'stateengine', 'plot', 'uzsu']
['extpopup', 'pos_shutter_ext']
{{ quad.shutter('shutter1', 'Shutter with picture', 'shutter.lz', 'shutter.kz', 'shutter.hoehe', 'shutter.kz', 'shutter.lamellen', 'shutter.hoehe', 0, 100, 1, 'full', '', 50, 80, '', '', 'shutter.hoehe.zeitschalter', '', 'shutter.hoehe', '', 'shutter.automatik', ['edit_favorites.svg', ['switch', ['item1.lock', 'icon', [0,1], ['secur_open.svg','secur_locked.svg']]], ['flip', ['item1.flip', 'on', 'off', '0', '1']] ], 'place3', 'place4', ['extpopup', 'pos_shutter_ext']) }}
No column order defined. Due to setting the last parameter to false, a short press on move icons moves the blind immediately up/down, otherwise only a long press will move the blind.
{{ quad.shutter('shutter2', 'Shutter, Standard', 'shutter.lz', 'shutter.kz', 'shutter.hoehe', 'shutter.kz', 'shutter.lamellen', 'shutter.hoehe', 0, 100, 1, 'full', '', 50, 80, false) }}
Author: Niko Will, Onkel Andy