Print values in specific format, including expressions
{{ quad.print(id, item, format, formula, threshold, color, classname, place2, linetext, columntext, item_plot, icon_plot, place3, place4, column_order) }}
unique id for this widget (optional)
one or more item(s). Multiple items in array-form: [item1, item2]. The array size defines the number of columns dispayed by the widget.
either a unit of the language file, an individual format string (PHP sprintf like) or a simple string as suffix.
Use 'text' to display result as unformatted string, 'html' to render it as unescaped html or 'script' to just execute as JavaScript w/o displaying anything.
any valid JavaScript expression with following variables and aggregate functions (optional, default: VAR)
- VAR1, VAR2, ... represent the corresponding item's value, VAR is an array of all item values
- SUM(VAR), AVG(VAR), SUB(VAR), MIN(VAR) and MAX(VAR) aggregate the values
array of upper thresholds; the color according to greatest reached threshold is applied (optional)
array of colors; 'icon0' through 'icon5' or e. g. '#f00' for red (optional)
the first one is the base color for values below first threshold, so pass one color more than thresholds.
css class name, useful for script hacks (see documentation and example)
placeholder attributes for future features, etc.
description text for the whole line
description text for each column
array with all plot.period attributes to show a plot in popup. Alternatively just the item to be plotted.
Array size must match the number of columns, e.g. "[['plotitem1', 'avg', '2d','now'], 'plotitem2', '']" for a table of 3 columns.
icon triggering the plot popup
placeholder attributes for future features, etc.
placeholder attributes for future features, etc.
array with numbers from 1 to 5: Reorder elements to your liking (esp. relevant for smartphones as 5 columns might be too much)
* to reverse the complete order, use [5, 4, 3, 2, 1], to reverse the last two, use [1, 2, 3, 5, 4], etc.
- Use to change values below
Single Print
{{ quad.print('formatvalue', 'that', '%', '', [10,150], ['#0f0','#ff0','#f00'], '', 'placeholder', 'one % value with thresholds', 'that') }}
Multiple print
{{ quad.print('formatvalue2', ['this','that'], ['%','°'], ['','VAR*2'], [0,[15,300]], [['#0f0','#ff0'],['#0f0','#ff0','#f00']], '', 'place', 'two values, with 2* formula', ['this','that'], ['this.plot', 'that.plot']) }}
Four different prints
{{ quad.print('formatvalue3', ['this','that', ' ', 'theother'], ['%','°'], ['VAR*2','','',''], [[1,5],'', '',''], [['#0f0','#ff0','#f00'],['#0f0','#ff0'],'',''], '', 'placeholder', '3 values, 1 empty column', ['this','that', '', 'theother']) }}
Using Scripts to change other elements. Leave the item empty and give the column an id name
{{ quad.print('', ['', 'that','that'], ['text', 'script', 'text'], ['orange if that < 10', '$("#otherElement").css("color", (VAR1 < 10) ? "#FF6600" : "#00FF00")', '"Color: \'" + $("#otherElement").css("color") + "\'"'], ['', '', ''], ['', '', ''], ['otherElement', 'column_empty', ''], 'placeholder', 'left text color changed based on that') }}
Author: Niko Will, Onkel Andy