

Items represent the status and control addresses for devices in the backend system. smartVISU subscribes status information for all items on a page from the backend and sends control commands to the same items. It is to be expected that the backend always returns the correct status after a control command has been sent. In some cases, status and control values differ in the backend, e.g. if an actor has been blocked or an action is delayed. Then, it makes sense to use different / combined items.
As of v3.4 smartVISU supports combined status and control items in the backend drivers for smarthomeNG and eibd/knxd. Format is 'item_status:item_control'. A colon separates the two items. The status info is read from the status item as before while control commands are sent to the control item.
... 'bath.light.switch' ... -> normal syntax in most cases
... 'bath.light.switch.status:bath.light.switch.control' ... -> combined status and control item

Array Form

Some widgets may have an array as a parameter. Use [ ... , ... ] to define it. An array is only needed if you have more than one object.
... ['bath_plot1', 'bath_plot2', 'bath_plot3'] ... -> 3 items as an array
... 'bath_plot1' ... -> only one item, no array needed

Duration Format

Some widgets require a parameter for duration or period. This is specified with the following letters:
s (second), i (minute), h (hour), d (day), w (week), m (month, 30 days), y (year, 365 days)
... '10i 30s' ... -> 10 minutes + 30 seconds
... '2w' ... -> 2 weeks

Anchor Links in html Code

Links with normal html anchors will not work in smartVISU. Therefore, an alternative anchor representation is provided. Just append "&anchor=myAnchor" to the page URI in a link instead of "#myAnchor". This can be used with link and target on the same page as well as across pages.
// the link to a target
<a href="index.php?page=targetPage&anchor=targetDiv">Link</a>
// the target
<div id="targetDiv">

Check if Asset exists

SmartVISU provides a Twig function to check if an asset (image, widget HTML, etc.) exists. That is especially important for widgets that might be imported from the dropins folder.
{% if asset_exists('stateengine.html') %}
{% import "@widgets/stateengine.html" as stateengine %}
{% endif %}

More Information

More information can be found on the wiki pages.
Please contribute there if you like to share your knowledge. We'll integrate the contents into this inline documentation later.