Color chooser for RGB lights. Be aware that the attributes differ from basic.color widget!
{{ quad.color(id, item_value_r, item_value_g, item_value_b, min, max, step, colors, style, colormodel, linetext, item_switch_r, item_switch_g, item_switch_b, min_display, max_display, item_uzsu, uzsu_attribs, popupcolor, item_switch_ww, item_value_ww, item_plot, icon_plot, item_auto, extpopup, locks, item_seq, icon_color, linetext_widget, place4, column_order) }}
unique id for this widget (optional)
an item for the red value in RGB model or hue in HSL and HSV model, or single item containing list of all color values
an item for the green value in RGB model or saturation in HSL and HSV model
(to let blank if first item contains list of all values)
an item for the blue value in RGB model or lightness in HSL model / brightness in HSB model
(to let blank if first item contains list of all values)
minimum value if the light is off; single value or list of values for each component (optional, default 0)
maximum value if the light is full on; single value or list of values for each component (optional, default 255 for rgb, [360,100,100] for hsl & hsv)
number of shades per color (optional, default 7)
number of colored segments (optional, default 10)
'disc' for circular, 'rect' for rectangular view, 'slider' for HSV sliders (optional, default: disc)
possible values: 'rgb', 'hsl' and 'hsv' (optional, default: rgb)
text for the whole line (optional)
an item for the red switch in RGB model
an item for the green value in RGB model
an item for the blue value in RGB model
the minimum value which is displayed if the slider is moved to total left (optional, default like min)
the maximum value which is displayed if the slider is moved to total left (optional, default like max)
a gad/item for UZSU
Array with standard UZSU parameters: pic_on, pic_off, valueType, valueParameterList, color_on, color_off. (optional)
colormodel for popup (rgb or hsv)
a gad/item to switch on/off fourth color / warm white
a gad/item for value of fourth color / warm white
array with all plot.period attributes to show a plot in popup. Alternatively just the item to be plotted.
icon triggering the plot popup
"root item" which holds stateengine information. show current state of stateengine/stateengine item. Adjust icons and states below accordingly
Array of arrays for extended popup window. Use this to create an icon to open a popup with switches, sliders, flips or select menues.
First entry can either be "stateengine" to make the stateengine plugin icon the trigger for the popup or an icon (e.g. time_automatic).
After that you have to create an array for each line of the popup. In this array you first define the elements like switch, text, etc.,
followed by the attributes for each element as you would for the basic widget.
Possible elements are: header, text, slider, flip, switch, select
Example: ['stateengine', ['header', 'Suspendzeit'], [['switch', 'slider'], [switch_item, 'icon', [0,1], ['secur_open','secur_locked']],
[slider_item, slider_min, slider_max, slider_step, '', 'handle']]
array with items for locking. You have to be aware of the order: item_lock, item_bwmlock (presence sensor), item_force (force on/off/neutral), item_seqlock (RGB sequencer lock)
item for RGB sequencer (logic). Optional an array including a short press item and a long press item or popup id (starting with #). Example: ['light.sequencer', '#popup']. The popup has to be defined on the HTML page by using the popup.extpopup widget. It gets activated on a longpress.
array with on/off icon colors
Widget(s) to be shown right after linetext. Can be used to show a countdown or other additional information. Example: basic.symbol('', 'licht.og.essen.sa') - don't put basic.symbol() in high commas! (optional)
placeholder attributes for future features, etc.
array with element description: Reorder elements to your liking (esp. relevant for smartphones as several columns might be too much)
possible elements are: 'colorpicker', 'ww_popup', 'ww_slider', 'values', 'sequencer', 'locks', 'stateengine', 'uzsu', 'plot'
For empty columns either use ' ' or a number to define the column width (e.g. '40' = 40 pixels width)
Combine elements in one column by putting them in arrays. Standard is [['locks', 'sequencer', 'colorpicker'],'values', 'stateengine', 'plot', 'uzsu']
[['locks','sequencer','colorpicker','ww_slider'], 'ww_popup','values']
{{ quad.color('color1', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, '', '', 'Disc, WW Slider, locks, WW popup, hsv popup', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'hsv', 'led.WW', 'led.WW.dimmen', '', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', 'led.sequencer.sperren'], 'led.sequencer', '', '', '', [['locks','sequencer','colorpicker','ww_slider'], 'ww_popup','values']) }}
[['locks','sequencer','colorpicker'], 'ww_slider','values']
{{ quad.color('color2', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, '', '', 'WW slider, rgb popup', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'rgb', 'led.WW', 'led.WW.dimmen', '', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', 'led.sequencer.sperren'], 'led.sequencer', '', '', '', [['locks','sequencer','colorpicker'], 'ww_slider','values']) }}
['locks', 'colorpicker', 'values']
{{ quad.color('color3', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, 'slider', '', 'HSV slider, 3 columns', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'hsv', '', '', '', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', ''], '', '', '', '', ['locks', 'colorpicker', 'values']) }}
[['locks','colorpicker', 'ww_slider'], 'values']
{{ quad.color('color4', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, 'slider', '', 'HSV slider+WW, 3 columns', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'hsv', 'led.WW', 'led.WW.dimmen', '', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', ''], '', '', '', '', [['locks','colorpicker', 'ww_slider'], 'values', 'stateengine', 'plot']) }}
['locks', 'colorpicker', 'values', 'plot']
{{ quad.color('color5', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, '', '', 'RGB Disc, separate columns', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'hsv', 'led.WW', 'led.WW.dimmen', 'led.WW', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', 'led.sequencer.sperren'], 'led.sequencer', '', '', '', '', ['locks', 'colorpicker', 'values', 'plot']) }}
['colorpicker', '20', '40', 'uzsu']
{{ quad.color('color6', 'h.value', 's.value', 'v.value', 0, 255, 10, 30, '', '', 'HSV Modell, 2 empty cols', '', '', '', '', '', 'licht.dimmen.zeitschalter', ['time_clock', 'time_clock', 'num', '', 'icon1', 'icon0'], 'hsv', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', '', ['colorpicker', '20', '40', 'uzsu']) }}
no colomn order defined
{{ quad.color('color7', 'led.R.dimmen', 'led.G.dimmen', 'led.B.dimmen', 0, 255, 10, 30, '', '', 'RGB Disc, bwm lock item, 2 cols', 'led.R', 'led.G', 'led.B', '', '', '', '', 'hsv', '', '', '', '', '', '', ['', 'bwm.sperren', '', '']) }}
Author: Niko Will, Onkel Andy