Graphical widget for usage of UZSU plugin.
Drag points, add new ones by clicking on background and edit or delete them.
{{ device.uzsugraph(id, item, headline, editable, valueType, valueParameterList, scrollbar) }}
unique id for this widget (optional)
the item of the UZSU (NOT the item which is switched by UZSU)
title of graph (optional, default: UZSU)
set to '1' in order to allow changes by dragging points (optional, default: 0)
supported types are 'bool' and 'num' (optional, default: bool)
valueParameterList depending on valueType (optional):
bool: ['text on','text off'] or ['text1:value1','text2:value2'],
num: [min, max, step]
shows a scrollbar below the x-Axis (optional, default: true)
The widget displays the UZSU entries as a graph and allows modifications:
- a click onto an existing point opens it's settings dialog
- a click into the graph opens a dialog to add a new entry for the selected time and value
- single entries can be altered by dragging the respective points on the graph
- for sunrise/sunset based entries, the min/max times can be altered by dragging the horizontal dashed lines
- by dragging the sun symbols,interpolation will be simulated with the selected sun times. Settings remain unchanged.
- the interpolation method can be chosen by clicking on the symbols in the upper right area
Combine the widget with device.uzsuicon in order to access all entries for an item.
{{ device.uzsuicon('', 'uzsuitem', '', 'jquery_clock', 'jquery_clock', 'num') }}
{{ device.uzsugraph('', 'uzsuitem', '', 1, 'num', [0,100,10]) }}
{{ device.uzsugraph('', 'uzsuitem2', 'Boolean', 1, 'bool', ['On:1', 'Off:0'], 'false') }}
Author: Stefan Widmer