Used to glue to widgets together. Only needed if you don't use 'Realtime'!
If you click the 'from'-widget, the 'to'-widget will be reloaded and updated after a delay.
{{basic.glue(id_from, id_to) }}
id from the element that is been clicked
id from the element that contain a item that might be changed
To glue to widgets together is only needed if the bus changes items and no 'Realtime' is used.
It is not necessary with 'Realtime', because all items are refresed every second.
Also it is not necessary with 'Websocket' based drivers, because they will commit changes immediately.
If you press the switch, a write for the switch and a (delayed) read-request for the slider will be send.
{{ basic.switch('switch1', 'bath.light.switch', 'light_light.svg', 'light_light.svg') }}
{{ basic.slider('slider1', 'bath.light.value') }}
{{ basic.glue('switch1', 'slider1') }}
Author:Martin Gleiß and others